Parisians // Eiffel Tower

dressParisian So, I've been MIA for the past month because it's SUMMER and we MOVED and it's SUMMER! =) but I'm back and wanted to share a few of my favorite French inspired links, because today is Bastille Day!

When Grant and I visited my parents in Dubai we had a layover in Paris, so we went into the city and we ran into Jordan Ferney of Oh Happy Day! She was so sweet. Here's some advice from Jordan: What to Bring to Paris.

Also, another witty article by: Garance Dore on dressing like Emmanuel Alt (the beautiful editor of French Vogue, below).


And finally a bit of inspiration and a few things I never knew from Seth Godin! xo

Seth Godin: Lessons from the Eiffel Tower

  • It was designed at home, on the kitchen table...
  • by someone who didn't get their name on it
  • Never been done before, not guaranteed to get built or to work
  • It was criticized by hundreds of leading intellectuals and cultural experts
  • It wasn't supposed to last very long
  • It's designed to be an icon, it's not an accident
  • People flock to it because it's famous
  • You can sketch a recognizable version of it on a napkin

Your turn to build one. Happy Bastille Day.


P.S. My family (not Grant and I) got a PUPPY about a month ago!!! I've been meaning to post some pictures of him because he is THE CUTEST...tomorrow! xo

images via: top collage // Emmanuelle Alt // Eiffel construction drawings