Graphic Rugs


How cool are these graphic rugs from Pattern Society? Rugs are great because you can do something bold, but it's not permanent or a hassle to change or move them. These would add such a good punch of color to a space. I think I like the top two the best. The black + + + taking the cake. I bought this striped rug last year and it makes me so happy! Who doesn't love stripes? Pattern Society is a new company, est. 2013. They plan on expanding (only have 5 designs currently) and I'm excited to see what other patterns they will offer in the future. If you're thinking of buying a rug (or if you're just curious like I was when I read this post) Emily Henderson, a designer & HGTV host, shares her expertise on choosing the right rug size for a room in this post. She even has a good video showing you how a rug size can make a room feel bigger or smaller. My rugs are "technically" too small for our space, but big rugs = big bucks. :) Ohh well! I like them just the same. :) Here are a few more of my favorites:

Souk Wool Rug (it has tassels!!) // Vintage Moroccan Rug // Zola (black/white/bold!)


My mom's birthday picnic yesterday was a blast! My sister Claire and I spent the day making yummy food & decorations. She made a killer salad with arugula and bacon. I'll share some pretty details and the recipe next week. SIGN_OFF